Homeownership Stories
A house has become so much more in recent times. It is a sanctuary, a safe place, a school, a chef's domain, and more. With all its messy beauty and genuine love, a house is the place where life happens. It’s where we group and grow old. It’s where we find comfort. It’s where our families gather. Owning builds self-esteem, wealth, health, and even communities.
We need to build more houses so more people can benefit, because homeownership is all of it. Hear from real Minnesotans about their housing stories and the impact homeownership has had on their lives.
Home is a meaningful career.
Betty’s story
Betty started building homes in the 1970s. Her most popular product was the affordable starter for Twin Cities families of all backgrounds. But starting in the early ‘90s Betty saw additional rules and regulations start to drive up the cost of housing. By the time Betty retired from homebuilding, the affordable starter homes she built her career on were no longer able to be constructed at a price many families could afford. Betty has enjoyed her career providing families with homes they love, but she is now increasingly concerned about the future of homeownership in Minnesota.
Home is a dream come true
Sarah & Mo’s story
Sarah and Mo both thought they would never own a home. Sarah was able to find an apartment with cheap rent by working part time as the building’s caretaker. She never thought homeownership would be an option for her and she had accepted that. Mo immigrated to America from Gambia and never imagined that the dream of homeownership was attainable. But love changes things and together they were able to make their dreams of homeownership a reality.
Share Your Story.
We believe that homeownership is all of it and we’d love to meet you and tell this story together.